Second entry in One Day
Keep scrolling down after the highlights to the entry I emailed about re Subway Service interruptions and Upcoming meetings.
Council Highlights - Toronto City Council meeting of April 12, 13 and 14, 2005
(2015 World Expo)
Council approved a plan to help the City determine whether Toronto should make a bid to host the 2015 World's Fair, also known as World Expo. The pre-bid work is expected to outline key findings, present recommendations and provide a business plan. Council's decision was informed by the preliminary study of a steering committee that was formed last summer. The next steps include public consultation and further investigation of three potential sites. Subsequently, Council will review a master plan and determine whether to proceed with a formal bid.
(Senior staff appointments)
Council appointed three people to the new positions of Deputy City Manager and Deputy City Manager/Chief Financial Officer in a restructured City administration. Fareed Amin and Sue Corke, the two Deputy City Managers, leave positions as Deputy Ministers in the Ontario government in order to join the City. Joseph Pennachetti, the Deputy City Manager/Chief Financial Officer, was already with the City of Toronto in the former position of Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Shirley Hoy stays on with the new title of City Manager.
New inter-city bus terminal
Council decided to establish a committee to work with City Planning staff for public consultation on the feasibility of relocating Toronto's main bus terminal. The committee, chaired by Councillor Gerry Altobello and including broad representation, will consider issues such as whether a relocated terminal should be publicly owned or possibly involve a public-private partnership. Council prefers that the location be in the vicinity of Union Station.
Telecommunications review
Council decided that the City will undertake a comprehensive review of its use of telecommunications services and technology such as cellular phones, pagers, land lines and Internet connectivity. The review, which will identify any opportunities for cost savings, is tied in with an effort to improve the City's management of telecommunications contracts.
Dispute resolution for bylaw enforcement
Council endorsed a Bylaw Compliance Program that will introduce a process to resolve disputes in the City's enforcement of bylaws, particularly those involving property standards. The new process is expected to streamline the resolution of such conflicts as neighbour to neighbour disputes and staff to resident compliance disputes.
(Cross-border transport of waste)
At the invitation of Environment Canada, Council agreed to Toronto's participation in a pilot project on the cross-border shipment of municipal solid waste. Environment Canada and the United States Environmental Protection Agency initiated the project, which focuses on the notification process around the import and export of municipal solid waste. Toronto is a significant exporter of solid waste for disposal in the United States.
New name for trade centre
Council approved a recommendation that the City enter into a legal agreement resulting in the renaming of the National Trade Centre at Exhibition Place to the Direct Energy Centre -- Exhibition and Convention Facility.
Council's 2005 budget meetings of February 21 to March 1, 2005
Council adopted a 2005 budget for the City of Toronto on March 1, concluding a full week of meetings devoted to the budget. Highlights include funding for 100 additional buses for suburban routes and almost $12 million in new money for Clean and Beautiful City programs. Increased investment in Clean and Beautiful City programs will enable Toronto to introduce new beautification initiatives, increase litter picking and improve the city's urban forest. The budget requires a three per cent increase in residential property taxes and a 1.5 per cent increase in business property taxes. A detailed summary of the budget is available on the City's Web site at