Important Consultation re Property Tax
An important notice came out today about public meetings regarding the new initiative "Enhancing Toronto's Business Climate". It is important for a range of residents to take part as property taxation is one of the current challenges to Toronto's Business Climate. Possible solutions may impact both homeowners and business owners. I've included the meetings at North York Civic Centre and Metro Hall. You are welcome to register for whichever is convenient.
Enhancing Toronto's Business Climate -- It's Everybody's Business
The City of Toronto is preparing a new action plan to enhance the City’s ability to compete globally as the heart of one of the five largest city regions in North America.
On Thursday, July 7, 2005, a report at the City's Policy and Finance Committee addressed the strategic approach to making that happen. The report, "Enhancing Toronto's Business Climate -- It's Everybody's Business", begins to lay the foundation of a new plan which will be considered by City Council in October 2005.
"This report builds upon the 2004 public consultations," said City of Toronto's Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer Joseph Pennachetti. "It begins the development of an action plan to improve the City's tax policies and initiatives for cost competitiveness."
The implementation of this action plan could affect property taxes. The City of Toronto wants public opinion to help shape this plan and build new ways of stimulating economic prosperity in a fair and sustainable way for all its residents and property owners.
Public consultations will be held:
- Tuesday, Sept 6, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., North York Civic Centre, Committee Room 3
- Thursday, Sept 15, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Metro Hall, Meeting Room 314
- Thursday, Sept 15, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Metro Hall, Meeting Room 303
To register for any of the public meetings call 416-397-4474.
For more information, including a copy of the full report Enhancing Toronto's Business Climate -- It's Everybody's Business, please visit our Web site at and click on "Enhancing Toronto's Business Climate".