Ward Updates
The work at Don Mills Rd and Van Horne is almost finished after the winter delay. The left turn lane is in place for Don Mills Road and Seneca Hill Dr as well as the improved turning lanes for the condos to the North. There are still some curbs and sidewalks can be finished up now that the warm weather is here.
On the street safety front, we have staff approval to improve lighting along Leith Hill Rd and along the footpath next Zion School House from Finch Ave. Through to Angus Drive. Both of these are passages well traveled pedestrian routes. Thanks to the residents who asked us to have them studied.
There will be a slight adjustment to the traffic lights at Finch and Victoria Park traveling Eastbound on Finch. The intersection has developed a high collision record lately due to an overly long light. This causes too many cars to 'gun it' through the yellow and red light. A slight adjustment has been recommended to lessen driver frustration.
A parking adjustment will be made for the stretch of Old Sheppard Ave in front of St. Gerald's P.S. The school will open with parking on the appropriate side of the street in September making this section less of a morning bottleneck.
And lastly, a quick update on the Bloorview Site development working group. The citizen group is hard at work and has added one more meeting later in April. This means that we will not be ready to bring their work back to the larger community until early May. Staff, applicant and citizen representatives are hearing each other out and working hard to come to a consensus.