Councillor Shelley Carroll

Find out the latest news and upcoming events in your neighborhood. Politics, news, views, and links from Ward 33 Councillor Shelley Carroll.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Downspout Disconnection Program

My office have been receiving many calls from residents in Ward 33 regarding the Free Downspout Disconnection Program. Please be aware that the deadline to submit your application is Tuesday November 20, 2007.

You can sign up by calling Toronto Water and leaving a message at 416-392-1807. If you are having trouble getting through due to the volume of calls (they are getting over 1,000 calls a day), try e-mailing with the following information:

- Full name
- Address
- Phone number
- Whether or not you would like a rain barrel

If you can't get through, or just want to be safe, you are welcome to call my office and provide us with your information and we will pass it to the program staff. We have been submitting our lists to city staff daily. Note that this is not an alternative, just a failsafe - you should still try to get through to the program directly.


Shelley Carroll