Get Involved in Toronto's Climate Change Action Forum
April 13, 2007
Get involved in Toronto’s Climate Change Action Forum
On Sunday, April 29, Torontonians are invited to join Mayor David Miller to begin developing the City’s Climate Change and Clean Air Action Plan.
At the Action Forum, participants will have an opportunity to:
• Learn more about the environmental issues, challenges and opportunities relevant to climate change in the City of Toronto.
• Provide feedback on the City’s 27 proposed actions to reduce greenhouse gas and smog emissions, which include:
- retrofitting 50% of single family homes and small businesses for energy efficiency by 2020
- reducing personal use of small engines such as leaf blowers and gas mowers
- expanding and extending programs that support renewable energy.
• Tell us what they can do to make a difference.
"We are inviting the citizens of Toronto to get involved in developing and implementing a Climate Change and Clean Air Action Plan that will see everyone - residents, communities, businesses, industry and the Toronto government - work together, take action and do our part," said Mayor David Miller. "Reducing greenhouse gases is the issue of our time. Maybe of all time."
The City’s framework for public engagement on climate change, called Change is in the Air: Toronto’s Commitment to an Environmentally Sustainable Future, was released last month. It provides ideas on the strategies, policies, programs and projects needed to meet the City’s ambitious reduction targets, and identifies 27 potential actions that the Toronto Government, residents, businesses and industry can take to tackle climate change and improve air quality.
Toronto is proposing to cut greenhouse gas emissions from the Toronto urban area by 6% by 2012 (based on 1990 levels), 30% by 2020, and 80% by 2050. It is also proposing to reduce smog-causing pollutants by 20% by 2012.
Participant-feedback from the Action Forum will be integrated into a bold and comprehensive Clean Air and Climate Change Action Plan to reduce Toronto’s greenhouse gas emissions and smog-causing pollutants.
More information about the Climate Change Action Forum and the City’s framework, Change is in the Air, is available on the City’s website at
Climate Change Action Forum will take place:
Date: Sunday, April 29
Time: Noon to 1 p.m. - Open House with energy efficiency exhibits and information
1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Action Forum
Location: Exhibition Place, Direct Energy Centre, Hall C
Participants must register in advance by calling Access Toronto at 416-338-0338.
Comments and feedback on the 27 proposed actions can also be sent to the City via e-mail at: or phone: 416-338-0338.
Toronto is Canada’s largest city and sixth largest government, and home to a diverse population of about 2.6 million people. It is the economic engine of Canada and one of the greenest and most creative cities in North America. In the past three years, Toronto has won more than 50 awards for quality and innovation in delivering public services. Toronto’s government is dedicated to prosperity, opportunity and liveability for all its residents.
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Media contacts:
Lawson Oates, Director, Toronto Environment Office, 416-392-9744
Stuart Green, Deputy Director of Communications, Mayor’s Office, 416-338-7119
Cindy Bromley, Communications Manager, 416-392-4993
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