Councillor Shelley Carroll

Find out the latest news and upcoming events in your neighborhood. Politics, news, views, and links from Ward 33 Councillor Shelley Carroll.

Thursday, November 10, 2005



Folks. We have flooding again.

We have not had anyone call the office to report flood damage inside the home but street and yard flooding of very scary proportions have been reported in much the same areas as August 19th.

We had staff out as soon as this was reported this morning and they are working on the problem but the main cause appears to be the combination of leaves and heavy rainfall. It is absolutely imperative that residents follow Yard Waste Bylaws for the former North York. We do not have a leaf collection program for homeowners. Residents are required to collect their leaves into yard waste paper bags and put them at the curb on the appropriate yard waste collection day. Do not rake or leafblow your leaves into the street.

The ground in our area is still fairly saturated from our awful flood of August 19th. Many residents sustained damage to their homes and heart-breaking losses of personal possessions. Therefore, it is especially important here in Ward 33 not to do anything to clog our catch basins anymore than nature already does.
If you witness your neighbours pushing their leaves out onto the street, don't get into an argument and jeopardize your good neighbourly relations. You can give us a call at the office and we will do our best to address it for you. call 416-392-4038.

Remember, in North York, we still receive premium snow clearance including windrow clearance. Leaves are the resident's responsibility.