Councillor Shelley Carroll

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

People, Dogs and Parks Strategy - Public Consultation June 7, 2007

Parks, Forestry and Recreation will host a series of public consultations as well as an online survey for Toronto residents to provide feedback on the People, Dogs and Parks Strategy and draft off-leash policy.

The development of the strategy and a draft policy to guide the provision of off-leash areas in City parks, greenspaces and waterfront areas has required extensive work over a number of years. These efforts have involved the collaboration of City staff, political representatives, community groups and associations, professional dog-walkers, subject experts, and residents - including both those who own dogs and those who do not. Methods have included public engagement, peer research, and the execution of a number of pilot projects.
The combined results of this work form the basis of this strategy document and draft policy to guide the provision of off-leash areas in City parks, greenspaces and waterfront areas. The draft policy is now presented for your final review and feedback.
Public consultations: draft off-leash policy
To get the most of the public consultation sessions or to participate online, please read Part 3: Draft Off-leash Areas Policy contained within the People, Dogs and Parks Strategy.
All public consultation sessions will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. Please leave your dog at home.

Thursday, June 7
North York Memorial Hall
5110 Yonge St.
7:00pm - 9:00pm

For those interested but are not able to attend on the consultation sessions, you can participate through an online survey at